Friday, August 14, 2009

Bioinformatics and the Cell: Modern Approaches in Genomics, Proteomics and Transcriptomics

Bioinformatics and the Cell: Modern Approaches in Genomics, Proteomics and Transcriptomics

Product Description

The many books that have been written on bioinformatics tend to fall on two extremes: books that feature computational details with a great deal of mathematics, for computational scientists and mathematicians, or books that treat bioinformatics mostly as a giant black box, for biologists. Previous books written on bioinformatics often have limited contribution to creating interdisciplinary scientists needed in modern biological and biomedical sciences.

This book aims to render both mathematical equations and biology to numbers, to help truly interdisciplinary scientists. Although the book covers bioinformatics methods at a level more advanced than most other bioinformatics books, the extensive numerical illustration of these methods should make it accessible to most senior undergraduate students and graduate students majoring in science and software engineering. Nearly all algorithms in the book are implemented in a free and user-friendly computer program (DAMBE).
About the Author
Dr. Xuhua Xia obtained his PhD in population biology at University of Western Ontario in 1990 and made his entry into molecular evolution and phylogenetics at University of Washington in 1993. He was recruited by University of Hong Kong in 1996 as an assistant professor, and served as a senior scientist and the founding head of the Bioinformatics Laboratory of HKU-Pasteur Research Centre. Dr. Xia joined University of Ottawa in 2002 where he is cross-appointed to both Biology Department and the School of Information Technology Engineering. He is an active member in the Center for Advanced Research in Environmental Genomics and the Ottawa Institute of Systems Biology. His web site is at



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