Monday, December 14, 2009
JBoss RichFaces 3.3
RichFaces is a rich component library for JavaServer Faces and an AJAX framework that allows easy integration of AJAX capabilities into complex business applications. Do you wish to eliminate the time involved in writing JavaScript code and managing JavaScript-compatibility between browsers to build an AJAX web application quickly?
This book goes beyond the documentation to teach you how to do that. It will show you how to get the most out of JBoss RichFaces by explaining the key components and how you can use them to enhance your applications. Most importantly, you will learn how to integrate AJAX into your applications without using JavaScript but only standard JSF components. You will learn how to create and customize your own components and add them to your new or existing applications.
What you will learn from this book?
* Create a simple project using the seam-gen tool, with the support of RichFaces, Seam and Facelets
* Integrate the RichFaces libraries manually in your existing JSF project
* Import a seam-gen-generated project into your workspace using Eclipse
* Get AJAX JSF messaging support for JSF AJAX events using RichFaces message and messages components
* Learn the basics of RichFaces, from creating the project to editing the code, using important components (like a4j:commandButton, a4j:commandLink, rich:dataTable, and rich:messages) and their AJAX properties (like reRender)
* Develop a fully-featured advanced application for contact management using the RichFaces AJAX framework and its rich components
* Develop the login and registration system for a web site
, looking at all the features like skin management, registration page, login box, forgot username, reset password, captcha, and more
* Optimize AJAX requests while developing a web application with JBoss RichFaces
* Add and remove contacts from a group using the RichFaces drag-n-drop support
* Customize the look of the application by changing the style of its existing skins using CSS and XCSS
* Create new skins ready to be plugged into your application
* Use and implement pushing, partial updates, component binding, session expiration handling, and more
* Develop rich JSF components in a fast and solid way using CDK (Component Development Kit)
Download here.
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